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KB Radio has traditionally played a mix of tracks from the 70s and 80's primarily mixed with a splash of the 90's and 2000's.   We than add in a nice mix of some of the best Indie Music from around the world to bring you all your favorites and songs you may not hear anywhere else. 

We don't play rap or hip hop, and no metal.

We add in some live weekly shows that feature the Indie tunes, some from the classics, you also have a Top 40 Countdown, that is fan based and voted, and a couple brilliant shows from other providers and you have the best music on the internet 24/7.

Will we appeal to everyone, nope.  We also aren't trying to. 


So this is the part that everyone dreads if this was a dating site.  Tell you a little bit about myself.  I can tell you that i love that picture but haven't had a cigar in about 15 years.  Some habits are just better ended.

I started in Radio College right here in London Ontario in 1985.  Two years later, A baby dj was ready to take on the world of radio.  But was radio ready for me. 

Not a chance.

Lets fast forward to about 2015 and I had no interest in working for some snot nosed kid in a radio station who had no experience and answered to pencil pusher radio corporations.  So I began a podcast.  I started 5 nights a week for 3 hours at a time.  KB Radio was born.  What Radio Used to Be  I tried to bring some of the personality back the way it was in the early days listening to the radio. 

I guess it was successful, because within 8 month i had 60, 000 listeners and decided, why not go 24 hrs a day.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.

To make a long story short, that evolved into 2 24 hr stations, adding Country into the mix. 


We have dealt with expenses, crazy's from around the world.  ..lmao  Yet, here i am spinning tunes, sharing some fun and making some memories. 


KB Radio and KB Country Radio in the year June 2020 to June 2021 had almost 1 million listeners combined.  Pretty good for these little ole radio stations.  For those that copy, i guess I should say thanks.  LOLI welcome your comments and suggestions.  KB Country Radio signed off the air in 2023.  The ever increasing expenses, etc forced me to make a very difficult decision. It has of coursed returned in 2024.


Al Yardy

ps. To the right are the different logos for KB Radio over these few years. 



The first logo: Just monkeying around

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Logo 2

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Music Director
KB Country Program Director


Lynne comes to us via the musical duet Lyn_Sey with her brother Mark.  As we grew to know Lynne and her us, she became more interested in helping with operations at KB Radio.  She started working by processing emails and reviewing music to speed up the submission process.  Over the past few months when the opportunity came to bring back KB Country, with the work she was already doing it was just natural to put her in charge of programming for KB Country Radio.  To listen to Lyn_Sey click the link. P.s. yes we are a couple.


The Incurables Power Hour
Fridays 4PM Saturdays @noon

The Incurables - Press Photo.jpg

What can I say about the 4 men who make up the Incurables.  Not only did I become a huge fan of their music, but I was blessed to be able to count them among my friends on a personal level.  When I found myself and KB in a small bind, I reached out and said would you be interested in doing a show for me.  Without hesitation they not only said yes but have created one of the top drawing weekly shows on KB.  After celebrating 100 episodes earlier this year they continue to make Friday afternoons on KB better.  If you haven't heard their music check out this link for yourself.

The Incurables


Indie Top 40 Countdown


Wes Lovell is a character in his own special way.  A long time friend, over 40 years, he was regularly hanging out with me in the studio during the weekly Top 40 countdown.  His presence alone encouraged interaction and it became such a natural part that I asked if he would like to become an official part of the show.  Thankfully he said yes.  He has quickly gained the hearts of listeners and many of the musicians as well and has become an important part of our Wednesday night programming.


Luxx Traxx - Deep Cuts & Dope Jams
Saturdays 10PM Eastern


When I first met Rachel she came into my life at KB like a firecracker.  Full of energy, always seemingly positive and keeping me up to date with what her and her band mates in Luxthereal are doing.  The other thing she did was immediately, say, "how can I help?' Rachel has been a help to me and the station in many many ways, too many to count, and after working with me on the 70s show every week it was time for her to take a dive in the deep end and host her own regular show.  Rachel has a musical knowledge and view of music like no-one else I know.  She brings that to us every week with Luxx Traxx. To check out the band Luxthereal, follow the link.

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Current Logo

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